MS Word

MS Word shortcuts

Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Word: 10 Most Powerful Ones

Microsoft Word is a go-to tool for writing letters, reports, articles, and more. With its user-friendly interface, it’s easy to navigate. But if you want to be even faster then keyboard shortcuts are one of the few things you need to know about Word. These shortcuts help you concentrate more on your writing and less

book cover design

Step-By-Step Guide For Creating A Book Cover In MS Word Using Templates

Want to create a book cover in Microsoft Word but don’t have any design skills? Don’t worry, as there are plenty of templates available in MS Word that can make your process of creating a book cover easier than ever. Instead of paying a designer hundreds to make the cover, all you have to do

table of contents

Creating Table of Contents with Ease Using Microsoft Word

We have all read books that include a page or two before the start with the names of the chapter and their page numbers. This section is called Table of Contents or TOC, and you can replicate it on Microsoft Word. Imagine you have a really big document with hundreds of pages. It could be

Microsoft Word

Things You Must Know About Microsoft Word

Even though Microsoft Word is likely the easiest Office Suite software to use, there is a learning curve. If you are a beginner, it’s important to familiarise yourself with the functionalities of this incredible tool.  In this guide, we will discuss what things you must know to work with Microsoft Word. Through this guide, you

Advantages of Microsoft Word

The Complete Microsoft Word Course Journey

One of the most popular text editors in the world is Microsoft Word, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite. It has become the normal way to make

Benefits of the Gmail Essentials Course

Complete Gmail Essentials Course: Best Guide

Take the Gmail Professional Essentials Course on Sikkhon to learn how to communicate digitally more effectively.

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