Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for working with data, and the two things that help the most are formulas and functions. These help you with the most complex calculations and data visualisation, increasing your efficiency significantly.
If you are already familiar with the must-know simple Microsoft Excel formulas and functions like SUM, it’s time to learn advanced ones. Here are some of them.
Let’s look at some of the most used MS Excel functions and formulas that can be considered advanced skills. We have included examples that will help you learn visually.
Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
The VLOOKUP function finds a value in the first column of a designated table and returns a value in the same row from another column you provide. It lets one search a table for information, such as the price of a good or the student’s grade, depending on an ID.
If we want to find the price of the product with ID 102 (Bananas), we can use the following formula:
=VLOOKUP(102, A2:C4, 3, FALSE)
Result: $1.50
Syntax: =INDEX(array, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]))
Combining MATCH and INDEX lets you search for a value in one column and return a value from another column within the same row. It’s like VLOOKUP, but it’s more flexible because the lookup column doesn’t have to be the first column of the range.
INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num]):
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]):
We want to find the price of “Bananas” in the “North” region.
To achieve this, we will use a combination of INDEX, MATCH, and an additional feature called array formula (Ctrl + Shift + Enter on Excel versions that require it) to search both the Product and Region columns simultaneously. Here is the formula used in our example table:
=INDEX(E2:E8, MATCH(1, (B2:B8=”Bananas”) * (C2:C8=”North”), 0))
Result: $1.60
Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria)
The COUNTIF Excel function counts the number of cells in a specified range that meet a particular condition or criteria. It’s commonly used to count entries based on specific text, numbers, or logical conditions.
From this table, we will try to find how many times “John” has sold products in the “North” region using COUNTIF. The formula for this will be:
=COUNTIFS(A2:A11, “John”, B2:B11, “North”)
As you can see, we will only need to select the rows for a range that the criteria is in.
Result: 4
Syntax: =TRIM(text)
The TRIM feature will help you to show your table’s cells in a more consistent manner if their spacing is uneven. It eliminates all unnecessary spaces from a text string, therefore leaving just single spaces between words.
Several cells in this table have irregular spacing. With the TRIM function, we can make it look better like the following:
Syntax: =CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], …)
Based on the index number you indicate, the CHOOSE function chooses and returns a value from a list of values.
Suppose you have a table that represents months:
You want to use the CHOOSE function to return the month based on an index number.
If A6 = 3, the formula returns “March” because it’s the third value in the list.
This is useful when you need to pick a value from a predefined set of choices.
There are many more advanced MS Excel functions and formulas that you need to master in order to be an expert. If you are willing to learn those, it’s better to get help from experts themselves. At Sikkhon, you can learn from the best thanks to the well-crafted courses on many subjects. Learn Excel and other Microsoft Office products at your own pace with Sikkhon.
Master 5 essential advanced Excel skills like PivotTables, VBA, and conditional formatting to boost your efficiency and handle complex data tasks.
Master advanced MS Excel formulas and functions to enhance data analysis, improve productivity, and work efficiently with complex spreadsheets.
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