Author: blogger

Microsoft Excel certification

Get Microsoft Excel Certified: The Best Guide

Getting a Microsoft Excel Certification in 2024 can land you in a high-paid job. It’s one of the most demanding certifications today. Excel is a vital tool for any business; as a result, companies are constantly looking for Microsoft Excel certified professionals. Why get Microsoft Excel certified? Once you get Microsoft Excel certified, your chances

Animated presentations

PowerPoint vs Prezi: Unveiling the Best Animated Presentation Software

A visually appealing presentation can keep the audience engaged throughout the session. Instead of preparing boring text-based presentations only, you can now create animated presentations using PowerPoint and Prezi. Both software have unique features to make your presentation more aesthetic. Though Prezi cannot exceed the popularity of PowerPoint, some unique functionalities of Prezi make it

MS Word shortcuts

Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Word: 10 Most Powerful Ones

We often need to work in Microsoft Word for writing letters, reports, articles, and many other things. It is a widely and most frequently used everyday software. While the interface is friendly it is still helpful to know the shortcuts to various Microsoft Word functions. These shortcut keys can save a lot of time and

developing website

6 Tips For Becoming A Professional Web Designer

If you are thinking of pursuing a career as a professional web designer then you have made a wise decision. Today there is high demand for professional web designers. Almost all businesses have an online presence. Therefore, a good website has become an integral part of any business, whether it is online or offline. A

book cover design

Step-By-Step Guide For Creating A Book Cover In MS Word Using Templates

If you think you must hire a professional designer to create your book cover, then think again! MS Word now has templates to help you design your book cover without hassle and in a short time. Before you start designing your book cover in MS Word using templates, you need to do a bit of

Embedding videos

Embedding Videos in PowerPoint Presentation: The Dos and Don’ts Guide

You can make your PowerPoint presentation stand out by including videos. You can best communicate your message clearly to the audience through videos. It also makes your presentation interesting and attractive. According to a Forrester Research study, people understand 50% more information through video and can retain the information for a long time. By embedding

launches safe mode

Understanding Outlook Safe Mode and Exploring Safe Mode Switches

MS Outlook is a useful application for sending and receiving email, keeping journals, and other tasks. It is like a personal manager. Sometimes you may encounter problems with Outlook. It may be due to your operating system or other issue. Whatever the reason may be your daily work will be hampered if you can’t access

good web design

Understanding Web Design: Its Concepts and Mechanisms

With more businesses appearing online the importance of understanding web design couldn’t be stressed more. An attractive and user-friendly web design can grow your customer base. It can also showcase your brand image, products, and services. Having a basic understanding of web design can help you create the right website for your company. Elements of

Excel functions

Mastering Microsoft Excel’s IF-THEN Function: For Better Decision Making

If you have worked with Microsoft Excel, you will agree that its IF-THEN function is very impressive. It helps in data analysis and decision making, especially for those working with financial models. The basic structure of the IF-THEN Function The IF-THEN function’s basic structure is simple: =IF(condition, value if true, value if false) For example: =IF(B3>200,


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